BFS Fuchsia Lore

To download the latest newsletter(1Mb) (March 2022) click here

Peter Holloway
85 Rutland Crescent
BA14 0NX
01225 754666

Anyone wishing to attend is most welcome, you do not necessarily have to be a BFS member. We are a very friendly, happy group of individuals, all of whom love to collect items.

If you are unable to attend, you are still able to participate as we produce 3 newsletters each year giving details of items brought to the meeting, special offers on fuchsia lore. You are also invited to submit pictures for inclusion in the newsletter. Through the club, we try to obtain direct from the manufacturers "special discounted offers" if sufficient interest is received for any fuchsia lore items we find.

We charge a membership fees of £5 per household or £8 overseas - this is mainly to cover the cost of producing and distributing newsletters in full colour. Further detail from the Secretary (see above)

Download Application Form

BFS Fuchsia Lore